Hello from the other side..Day 3…so
today..ermm..tonight im back at KK (Bukit Padang actually,n kmrin mlm lagi tp
malass btl tu tgn mo psng laptop kmrin mlm.. hahahaha) here where I stay fo the
past 2 years lebih2 suda la knun.. speaking…writing..ahaha of Bukit Padang,
theres this picture of me
lion_the_l 3rd
time at the top.. thank you for forcing me up 😅..
#bukitpadang #trig #puncak #hiking
#bukitpadang #trig #puncak #hiking
Not so early this year.. blng
date dia 04 July 2016.. from my insta it says mcm diatas.. so it was my 3rd
time up to the top.. lets recall back..this year ive been up that hill many
times, banding sma thn lalu sama yg 1st sa mula keja d bukit
padang.. thn ni paling bnyk trun naik atas sebab2 tertentu..ahhah..
remember one time when my heel was still aching (it was a cause of overweight,then
I felt the bones on my heel poking out from the inside).. at that time when I step
on a screw or even a thick wire, the pain was..wuuu.. gila sadap d kaki… so
then I went to see a doctor and he refered me to a phisiotherapist..luckly I worked
at a hospital, and my friend is a phisiotheprapist – Mr Fisio Leo A+ 😅 😅 -- ok continue hahaha… so then I went to see Mr Fisio and he fixed my
heel on the spot that evening.. I felt ok after that, so i ask him if in my
condition I can still hike up Bukit Padang that evening.. he said “buli bahh,
bagus lg tu kasi exercise” not only he gave an OK but also joined me that
evening hike up Bukit Padang with c Anty Rowinda…
to the hike.. we, 3 of us went up Bukit Padang via the Orange trail, or was it
the Pink... ahh now I remember.. it was the Blue Trail, the most toughest one..
I was a looonggg up and down way up the hill, at that time my heel was ok
already but I was still recovering from a cold (selesma, dulu2 time x rajin exercise
capat butul kana selsema..) so you could imagine going up with little breath..
well I can imagine,because im talking about mysely to myself..ahahhaah..nice
one… ok… Finally we reach half way (as I like to call it) only one more steep hill
to reach the most top.. I was out of breath, really tired, I said go on.. go
on.. ill find my way down on my on… but nooo,they wont let me stop.. I drank a
can of 100plus and water, after taking pic of the view from where I was
standing.. fuhhh, lawa sunset sna oo
Minutes after, I was
recharged and motivated to go to the top.. and so we hiked.. it was only a
little more to reach to the top really, but pretty steep..
reach the top of Bukit Padang ( well maybe its not really named Bukit Padang..
some call it Bukit Taman Tun Fuad..but lets just call it Bukit Padang for now) the
sun is setting, we took a lot of pictures, hopefuly I did too, I don’t remember..hehe…
at the top I was so happy, reaching there via the Blue longggg trail was an ACHIEVEMENT
UNLOCK to me.. but after that I said I never want to go up that trail ever
again.. as far as I can remember this year, that was the only time we took the
blue trail up.. the other time was going down the blue trail... And so we hiked
down via another trail which I don’t know the color but most people used that
trail to go down, even the bikers…
I remember it now, and I will in the future.. this is
not the first time I hiked up Bukit Padang, not the first time I hiked up a
hill either.. ive done so last year 2015 up the challenging Bukit Perahu..that
was really challenging for me, other than our mamut trip..but that’s was last
year 2015.. This is not the highest ive hiked this year..hehehe..thats story is
for another day… its just that I think, if I remember correctly, this(the story
ive told just now) was the start of my hiking activity throughout 2016…
Lots of things ive done this 2016.. the year is
ending and a new year comes.. today is 14 December already, 11 days till
christmas.. till I type again.. end of throwback story 2016 Day 3